>Text documents compress very well due to the large amount of whitespace within the documents. All those extraneous spaces and line breaks make for very large documents. To start the Mint Database was a whopping 17 megabytes of text. WinRAR cut the file down to 1006 Kilobytes while 7-Zip compressed the file to 908 kilobytes. WinRAR took 6 seconds and used 100% of the processor and 43MB of ram. 7-Zip took 8 seconds and used 100% of the processor however memory consumption skyrocketed up to around 160MB. Since 7-Zip and WinRAR use different algorithms I would wager that 7-Zips algorithm will consume as much memory as possible to quickly compress the files while WinRAR has a more conservative approach.
>NForce Drivers — During this test I began to really notice 7-Zips voracious hunger for ram. In the 27 seconds it climbed quickly from under 100 megabytes to a peak of 728 megabytes. With only 40 megabytes remaining I think Windows simply stopped feeding the program to keep the system from stalling.
>MP4 encoded with H.264 — Once again WinRAR memory usage stayed at 43 megabytes but 7-Zip ate through an all time high of 742 megabytes
>what you are seeing in memory usage is due to the fact that you probably were using the Ultra compression method which is designed to squeeze the most out of the compression by using an insane amount of RAM.
Мммм... Если он хочет столько памяти, то наверняка для скорости, чтобыснизить интенсивность дисковых операций...
Ещё вроде как 7z для Линукса неофициальный или я что-то путаю... В любом случае, если гуй писал тот же человек, то это его часть, хоть и опциональная ^^
>NForce Drivers — During this test I began to really notice 7-Zips voracious hunger for ram. In the 27 seconds it climbed quickly from under 100 megabytes to a peak of 728 megabytes. With only 40 megabytes remaining I think Windows simply stopped feeding the program to keep the system from stalling.
>MP4 encoded with H.264 — Once again WinRAR memory usage stayed at 43 megabytes but 7-Zip ate through an all time high of 742 megabytes
>what you are seeing in memory usage is due to the fact that you probably were using the Ultra compression method which is designed to squeeze the most out of the compression by using an insane amount of RAM.
Правда человек жал инсталляторы и видео, что само по себе странно, ну да не важно.
Вобщем, твои варианты действий:
1. уменьшить размер словаря;
2. уменьшить степень сжатия;
3. забить.
(1/2/3): _
А вообще, было бы не так обидно, если бы оно действительно быстро работало...
Ещё вроде как 7z для Линукса неофициальный или я что-то путаю... В любом случае, если гуй писал тот же человек, то это его часть, хоть и опциональная ^^